For the first time, the "Golden Raven" Film Festival will host an international animated film competition. It will complement the competitions of full-length feature, non-fiction andshort films and the regional contest of "Kinovzlet!".

Last year, in 2022, as part of the film festival, out-of-competition screenings of animated films took place, which confirmed the high interest of viewers of different ages in this type of cinema. New author's short animated films and episodes of TV series created not earlier than January 1, 2021 in different countries of the world will be able to take part in the animated film competition. The main focus will be on cartoons for children, but screenings for teenagers and adult viewers are planned. Films dedicated to Arctic and northern themes will be selected: reflecting the life of people and animals, the amazing nature and atmosphere of the northern regions of the world.

Applications for participation in the festival, including the animation contest, are accepted until February 28, 2023 through the online form on the official website of the review , foreigners can apply through the Filmfreeway or Festhome platforms. Participation in the selection is free of charge.

Traditionally, the winners of the "Golden Raven" festival are chosen by the audience: animation will not be an exception. The best animated works about the north will be determined by the audience of the festival.

The VII Arctic International Film Festival "Golden Raven" will be held in the city of Anadyr of the Chukotka Autonomous Region from April 24 to May 7, 2023.

Full information about the conditions of participation and the procedure for conducting the competitive selection is provided in the rules of the film festival on the official website .

The Arctic International Film Festival "Golden Raven" is held by the Producer Center "Youth Initiatives", the Center for the Development and Support of Cultural Projects "Golden Raven" with the support of the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, AU CHAO Okrkinovideoprokat, the Union of Cinematographers of Russia.
24 January 2023 year