We are happy to announce that the Submission for the IV "Golden Raven" International Arctic Film Festival is now open. The Festival will be held from March 9 to March 15, 2020 in Anadyr, the Chukotka Autonomous Region in March 9-15, 2020.
The Competitive Program of the Festival has been enlarged and now includes the following sections:
- international competitive selection of full-length feature films
- international competitive selection of full-length documentary films
- international competitive selection of short feature films
- international competitive selection of short documentary films
- regional competitive selection "FilmRising!"
To award the prizes of competitive programs the special international juries for feature sections and for documentary sections will be set up.
The winner of Grand-Prix of "Golden Raven" Film Festival will be traditionally chosen according to people's voting.
The following prizes (from this year including cash prizes) of the IV "Golden Raven" International Arctic Film Festival will be awarded:
- "The Big Golden Raven" – Grand-Prix of the Festival to the best film of full-length feature or documentary competitions according to the results of people's choice and RUB 250 000 to the producer
- "The Golden Raven" – for the best full-length feature film and RUB 100 000 according to the decision of the expert jury to the representative of the film who will be chosen by the jury (it can be either the producer, or the director, or the scriptwriter, or the actor, or the composer, or the cinematographer)
- "The Golden Raven" – for the best full-length documentary film and RUB 100 000 according to the decision of the expert jury to the representative of the film who will be chosen by the jury (it can be either the producer, or the director, or the scriptwriter, or the actor, or the composer, or the cinematographer)
- "The Small Golden Raven" – for the best short feature film and RUB 50 000 according to the results of people's rating choice to the director of the film
- "The Small Golden Raven" – for the best short documentary film and RUB 50 000 according to the results of people's rating choice to the director of the film
- Special Prize of the regional competitive selection "FilmRising!" and RUB 30 000 according to the decision of the expert jury to the director of the film.
All prizes of the Festival are unique and inimitable. They are created by a master of bone carving from a walrus fang in the form of a soaring demiurge raven.
International competitive selections of full-length feature and documentary films are reserved for
- films over 60 minutes
- films produced after January 1, 2018
- films dedicated to the Arctic or northern themes and reflecting the life of the population, primarily indigenous, of northern regions of the world.
International competitive selections of short feature and documentary films are reserved for
- films less than 45 minutes
- films produced after January 1, 2019
- films of any themes and genres
Regional competitive selection "FilmRising!" is reserved for
- short feature and documentary films less than 15 minutes
- films produced after January 1, 2018 on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region and that have never before taken part in this section of the Festival.
The "Golden Raven Film Festival" is the largest film festival held in the Far North of Russia. Its distinctive feature is the fact that the main winners of the competitive sections are determined by the viewers.The main objectives of the Golden Raven Film Festival are the following: search and promotion of the best contemporary films related to the Arctic and reflecting various aspects of life in this region, and the development of cultural exchange and professional cooperation between filmmakers working in the Arctic region as well.
The Festival is being held by the Department of Creative Projects Development of Russian Filmmakers' Union, by the "Youth Initiative" Production Center, by the Committee for Culture, Sport and Tourism of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, by the Autonomous institution of the Chukotka Autonomous Region for Cinema Distribution and Cinema Services for the Population "Okrkinovideoprokat" and is supported by the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Region. The film festival is financed from the funds of the State program "The development of education, culture, sports, tourism and youth policy of the Chukotka Autonomous Region in 2016-2020".
Regulations for the IV International Arctic Film Festival "Golden Raven"
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