1.1. Arctic International Film Festival "Golden Raven" (hereafter referred to as "Festival") is being held annually on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region and is the professional competitive screening of cinematic works from around the world.
1.2. The Festival is being held by the Youth Initiative Production Center, by the Committee for Culture, Sport and Tourism of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, by the Center of Development and Support of Cultural Projects "Golden Raven" and is supported by the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Region and by the Russian Filmmakers' Union.
2.1. The main events of the Festival will take place in Anadyr, the Chukotka Autonomous Region in November 28- December 11, 2022.
2.2. The screenings of the films which participate at the competition and out-of- competition programs of the Festival will take place in different settlements of the Chukotka Autonomous Region as well.
2.3. The opening and the closing ceremonies of the Festival will take place in the large hall of the "Polyarny" cinema (Anadyr).
2.4. The festival also provides for the business program of the festival (round tables, presentations, discussions), the educational program of the festival (lectures, master classes), as well as individual cultural events (recitals, exhibitions, performances) from November 22, 2022 year to December 21, 2022.
3.1. The Organizing Committee of the Festival includes:
• Tihomirov E.A. (Chairman) – acting Chairman of the Committee for Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Chukotka Autonomous Region;
•Sadovskaya M.D. (V.C.) - Head of section of Arts and Folk Art at the Department of Culture, Arts and Folk Art of the Committee for Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Chukotka Autonomous Region;
•Abryutin F.M. (Artistic Director of the Festival) - Secretary of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Filmmakers' Union";
•Lakhno O.V. (Producer of the Festival) - film producer, member of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Filmmakers' Union";
• Solomonov A. A. (Director of Film Programming of the Festival) - journalist, TV and documentary film producer, translator, expert of the Department of Foreing Affairs of the All- Russian Public Organization "Russian Filmmakers' Union";
•Podgorbunskikh N.V. (Secretary) - Head of the Department of Culture, Art and Folk Art at the Department of Culture, Arts and Folk Art of the Committee for Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Chukotka Autonomous Region;
• Apletina I.A. - Head of the Autonomous institution of the Chukotka Autonomous Region for Cinema Distribution and Cinema Services for the Population "Okrkinovideoprokat";
• Rastorgueva O.B. - Head of the State Autonomous Institution of Culture "House of Folk Art";
• Grishin O.N. - acting Head of State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Chukotka Autonomous Region "Chukotka's Multidisciplinary College";
• Berkutova S.A. - Head of the State Budget Institution of the Chukotka Autonomous Region "Museum Center "Heritage of Chukotka".
4.1. The festival sets its goals and objectives as following:
• search and promotion of the best modern films related to the Arctic and reflecting various aspects of life in this region;
• attracting the attention of the public and professional community to the topics relevant to the Arctic including ecology, interethnic relations, the continuity of generations, the preservation of traditions and culture, etc.;
• creation of a communication channel and strengthening of cooperation between Russia and the world community through the territories and cultural space of the Far North of the Russian Federation;
•popularization of event and ecological tourism on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region;
• creation and development of a comfortable environment for residents of the Chukotka Autonomous Region;
• development of the film production infrastructure, as well as promotion of the Chukotka Autonomous Region as an attractive and comfortable location for filmmaking;
• search and support of young talented filmmakers creating films in the Arctic region;
• preservation and popularization of the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of the North and the Far East.
The Festival is composed of the following competition sections:
• international competitive selection of full-length feature and documentary films; • international competitive selection of short feature films;
• international competitive selection of short documentary films;
• regional competitive selection "FilmRising!".
Out-of-competition program of the Festival includes:
• full-length and short films;
• animated films;
• other media content at the discretion of the Organizing Committee of the Festival.
7.1. Copyright holders of the films submitted for the Festival's programs (each film can be submitted only for one section) may take part in the Festival.
7.2. International competitive selections of full-length feature and documentary films are reserved for:
• films over 60 minutes;
• films produced after January 1, 2020;
• films dedicated to the Arctic or northern themes and reflecting the life of the population, primarily indigenous, of northern regions of the world.
7.3. International competitive selections of short feature and documentary films are reserved for:
• films less than 45 minutes;
• films produced after January 1, 2020;
• films of any themes and genres.
7.4. Regional competitive selection "FilmRising!" is reserved for:
• short feature and documentary films less than 20 minutes;
•films produced after January 1, 2020 on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous
Region and that have never before taken part in this section of the Festival.
7.5. Out-of-competition screenings of feature and documentary films are open for submission of the films of any themes and dates of production.
8.1. To award the prizes of competitive programs the special international juries will be set up.
8.2. Russian and foreign filmmakers, festival managers, representatives of different artistic jobs and public figures can be invited as jury members.
8.3. The number of jury members may vary, but is limited from three to seven people.
9.1. The following prizes are awarded according to the results of the Festival:
• "The Big Golden Raven" - Grand-Prix of the Festival to the best film of full-length feature or documentary competition according to the results of people's choice;
• "The Big Golden Raven" – for the best full-length feature or documentary film according to the decision of the expert jury;
• Special Jury Prize - the full-length feature and documentary films competition prize (the nomination and the recipient of the prize are determined by the jury);
• "The Small Golden Raven" – for the best short feature or documentary film according to the decision of the expert jury;
• "The Golden Raven" – for the best short feature film according to the results of people's rating choice;
• "The Golden Raven" – for the best short documentary film according to the results of people's rating choice;
• Special Prize of the regional competitive selection "FilmRising!" according to the decision of the Organizing Committee;
• Organizing Committee Prize.
9.2. None prize can be divided between two or more participants of competitive programs. 9.3. Besides the established prizes, the expert jury has the right to award no more than two
films participating in the competitive program of full-length feature and documentary films with a diploma or special mention of the jury (the award includes a diploma; cash prize and a statuette are not provided for these categories of awards).
10.1. Submissions to the Festival will be accepted from December 20, 2021 to July 31, 2022.
10.2. Russian submissions are entered online at the Festival's official web site and it is obligatory to send all the materials to
section .
10. 3. Foreign submissions are entered for Selection committee via one of online-platforms
includingFilmfreeway ,
10.3. The submission to the competitive sections is free:
Deadlines for accepting entry-forms:
Full-length feature and documentary films:
• early deadline (before January 15, 2022);
• regular deadline (before January 10, 2022); • late deadline (before February 15, 2022);
• extreme deadline (before July 31, 2022).
Short feature and documentary films:
• early deadline (before January 15, 2022);
• regular deadline (before January 10, 2022); • late deadline (before February 15, 2022);
• extreme deadline (before July 31, 2022).
Regional competitive selection "FilmRising!": • early deadline (before January 15, 2022);
• regular deadline (before January 10, 2022);
• late deadline (before February 15, 2022);
• extreme deadline (before July 31, 2022).
10.4. The final decision about including the film in the program of the Festival is taken by the Selection Committee that reserves the right not to provide any personal feedback and not to comment on the reasons of the rejections to submissions.
10.5. The Selection Committee and the Organizing Committee of the Festival reserve the right to refuse to participate in the Festival to a previously confirmed competitor in case of the following circumstances:
- the participant's failure to provide information for the catalog and media support of the festival within the specified period;
- the absence of feedback on current organizational issues from the participant for a long time during the process of preparing the Festival without valid excuse;
- identification by the Festival Organizing Committee of the fact that the participant provided false information on issues related to the demonstration of the film during the festival the Festival.
10.7. The list of the participants of competitive and out-of-competitive sections is created by the Selection Committee and released at the official web site of the Festival no later than on November25, 2022.
11.1. Each film selected to the Festival must be accompanied no later than by November14, 2021 by the following materials:
- the dialogue list, *srt file in English (for foreign films) or Russian language with exact time code;
- the copy of the film for creating subtitling (Full HD, mp4 or Proress file with maximum bitrate);
- synopsis in English and/or in Russian;
- biography in English and/or in Russian and photo of the director;
- stills from the film (no less than 300 dpi);
- poster of A1 format (*psd and *jpeg in parameters suitable for high-quality printing);
- trailer or teaser of the film;
- other press, advertising and promotional materials if available.
11.2. For the participation in the Festival the right holder of the film must supply to the
Festival a copy of the film. The accepted screening format is DCP. The film should be provided in its original language subtitled in Russian or in English if the original language is neither Russian nor English.
11.3. The participation of the film in the competitive sections implies the personally presence of the director or of a leading member of the cast of the film at the Festival. In case the director and/or the leading member of the cast have no opportunity to attend the Festival, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to keep the film in the competition program in case it will be represented by the leading member of the film crew.
11.4. The Festival has the right to use all visual materials related to the selected films including excerpts from the films (no longer than 3 minutes each) in order to promote the Festival and Festival's events and to inform the auditory.
12.1. The Festival provides official invitation letter for the representatives of the films participating in competitive sections in order to apply for visa and/or to arrange a business trip to the Festival.
12.2. The Festival covers the cost of the economy class air ticket from Moscow (or other Russian city) to Anadyr and from Anadyr to Moscow (or other Russian city) for one representative from each film included in full-length films competitive program.
12.3. The Festival covers the cost of hotel accommodation and meals at Anadyr for one representative from each film included in full-length films competitive program.
12.4. The participant is liable for the other costs not mentioned in the clauses 12.1., 12.2, 12.3 of these Regulations including:
• application fee for the Russian visa;
• costs related to the change of the tickets;
• costs related to the upgrade of comfort level of flight tickets or accommodation during the festival and during the transfer to its location and back;
• transfer to and from the airport except transfer in Moscow and in Anadyr.
12.5. The Festival does not cover the costs of the visit of the participants of the competitive selections of short films to the Festival.
12.6. The Festival covers the costs of transport agents (for both outward and return shipment), transportation, storage and insurance expenses of the prints with the screening copies of the selected films.
12.7. In case of loss or damage of the print, the responsibility of the Festival occurs only within the cost of this electronic media specified by the producer in the technical certificate for the film.
13.1. Besides competitive and non-competitive film screenings, in order to realize its mission, the Festival carries out social, cultural and educational activities, organising and helding a number of official events.
13.2. These activities may include:
• business program (master classes, meetings, public discussions, round tables, conferences with representatives of the professional film community, as well as with representatives of local authorities, Russian and foreign media, etc.);
• educational program (master classes, lectures, meetings held primarily for children and youth on the basis of schools, libraries and other social facilities, and aimed at transferring knowledge in the field of cinematography);
•cultural program (creative evenings of the guests of the festival, creative meetings, concerts, open sports trainings, book presentations, excursions for participants and guests of the festival, etc.).
14.1. The Artistic Director has the power to settle all the cases and issues not covered by these Regulations.
14.2. In case of objective reasons these Regulations may be amended and supplemented on the initiative of the Organizing Committee of the Festival, the Artistic Director of the Festival or the Committee for Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Chukotka Autonomous Region. Changes and additions to the articles of the Regulation are subject to mandatory agreement. The term for approval of amendments and additions shall not exceed five working days from the moment of documentary (written) initiation.
14.3. Participation in the Festival presumes agreement to all articles of the present Regulations and compliance with them.
14.4. Contact information of the Organizing Committee:
ANO Center for Development and Support of Cultural Projects "Golden Raven" 123056 Russian Federation, Moscow,
Vassilievskaya str., 13, building 1, office 9 Tel.: +7(499)250-89-55