On March 16, in the Far North, in the capital of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug the city of Anadyr, the closing ceremony of the 4th «Golden Raven» International Arctic Film Festival took place
The Grand Prix of the film festival (according to the results of the audience voting) - Big Golden Raven - received the French film «A Polar Year», directed by Samuel Collardey. The screening at the film festival was the Russian premiere of the film.

Full-length feature films competitive program:

According to the jury's decision, the main prize of the Full-length feature films competitive program was awarded to the film « Echo» directed by Runar Runarsson with a special wording «for the multifaceted cinematic model of the modern world». During the festival the film was presented by casting director Vigfús Gunnarsson, he received the prize from the actor Gojko Mitić. The screening at the film festival was the Russian premiere of the film.

The special prize of the jury of the Full-length feature films competitive program with the wording «for the excellence of the artistic plastic» was awarded to the cinematographer of the film « The Pencil» Andrei Naidenov. The film was presented at the festival by producer Maxim Dashkin, who received the prize from the Chairperson of the feature-length feature film competition, program director of the Open Russian Film Festival «Kinotavr» Sitora Aliyeva.

Feature-length documentary films competitive program:

The main prize of the Feature-length documentary films competitive program according to the jury's decision is the film « Descent into the Maelstrom» directed by Jan Vardøen with the special wording"for the entirety of the author's statement", the international premiere of the film took place at the festival. The prize was given by Simone Baumann, chairperson of the jury of the Feature-length documentary films competition, head of «German Films».

The special prize of the jury of the Feature-length documentary films competitive program goes to the film « Man with a Family - a Greenlandic Adventure» directed by Mikael Strandberg and Ulrike Rank with a special wording"for courage and sincerity". The festival screening was the Russian premiere of the film. The prize was given to the director of the film, Mikael Strandberg by the specialist in cinema co-production in the Arctic, Malcolm Dixelius.

Short feature films competitive program:

The Main Prize goes to the film « Meatgrinder» directed by Vlad Bakhanovich.

Short documentary film competitive program:

The Main Prize goes to the film « Games of Survival: a Culture Preserved in Ice», directed by Nicholas Natale. The festival screening was the Russian premiere of the film.

Special Organising Committee Prize

The Organising Committee Prize goes to the debut short feature film « Just Die, Juliet» directed by Maxim Shabalin.

Special Competition «Filmrising!»

« Anfisa» film directed by Liliya Ukhman and Vladimir Sertun is the winner of the Special Competition among the films created in Chukotka region «Filmrising!».

Outstanding Contribution to Cinema Award given to the world famous Serbian actor Gojko Mitić.

This year world leading filmmakers were invited to join the international expert jury. Among them there are film actor, director and stuntman Gojko Mitić; Program Director of the Kinotavr Open Russian Film Festival Sitora Aliyeva; director, film critic and teacher, representative of FIPRESCI in Russia Alexey Gusev; head of «German Films» Simone Baumann; director, producer, specialist in co-production of cinema in the Arctic, Malcolm Dixelius; Director of the Directorate of Documentary Films of Channel One Svetlana Kolosova; producer Vladimir Ignatiev («Boomer», «Tuner», etc.); screenwriter, editor and film expert Vsevolod Korshunov.

A distinctive feature of the festival is that the main winners of the competitive programs are determined by the audience, the rest of the winners of the festival are determined by the international jury.

The prize fund this year amounted to more than half a million rubles.

«Golden Raven» is the largest film festival in the Far North of Russia. This year it was held from March 10 to 16.
Link for photos from the closing ceremony of the festival and the presentation of awards: